Second suspect arrested in South Carolina for sex crimes

On Behalf of | Sep 27, 2013 | Sex Crimes |

In America, in order to convict someone of a crime, sufficient evidence must be found against that person, and everyone is innocent until proved guilty. However, sometimes, police may act on evidence yet still arrest the wrong victim. A second South Carolina man has been arrested for sex crimes as well as other offenses after the first suspect was released.

When police arrested the first suspect, they believed that they had substantial probable cause. The first suspect even gave them a confession. However, police continued to investigate and decided to arrest the second suspect and drop charges against the first.

Supposedly, the second suspect tricked his way inside a home to get to the victim. He then allegedly threatened the victim at knifepoint and assaulted the victim until 911 was called. Specific details of the case are not expounded upon in the report, but police are said to believe that they have probable cause to arrest the second suspect, just as they did with the first. The second suspect has been charged with sex crimes as well as burglary, kidnapping and use of a weapon to commit a crime.

If one is convicted of sex crimes, no matter how much jail time one receives, the implications of this charge will follow one for the rest of one’s life as a registered sex offender. It is important to remember in cases such as these that even though one has been arrested, one is innocent until proved guilty. South Carolina professionals in criminal law are available to provide one with a fair and unbiased trial.

Source:, 2nd arrest in Marlboro Co. sex crimes, kidnapping, sheriff says, No author, Sept. 11, 2013


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