When times are tough, it is not uncommon for people to look for ways to make money. Jobs are not easy to come by, and some may resort to illegal actions in order to survive. The Internet offers an enormous platform with multiple ways to convince consumers to part with their money, hence the prevalence of Internet crimes.
A 51-year-old South Carolina woman was recently arrested, and she is now facing a charge of second-degree computer crime. It is alleged that she targeted football fans of South Carolina and Clemson when she marketed season tickets along with parking passes. She reportedly advertised the tickets on several different websites.
Court documents claim that several people purchased and paid for the advertised tickets online but never received them. Complaints were apparently filed by five consumers who were allegedly scammed in this way. Investigators reported that the accused woman returned all the money to these five clients as soon as she learned that she was being investigated. However, a judge recently ruled that she still owes over 80 people a total of $40,000.
The 13th Circuit Solicitor’s Office says the defendant may possibly plead guilty at her upcoming court hearing. Many South Carolina residents who are accused of Internet crimes choose to retain the services of experienced criminal defense attorneys to assist them in protecting their freedom by defending the charges against them. Accused individuals have the right not to incriminate themselves and may benefit from having an attorney to guide them through negotiations if a plea deal is offered. A lawyer can explain the charges and help to explore the options for defense if litigation is necessary.
Source: wyff4.com, “Woman expected to plead guilty in Clemson, USC ticket fraud“, Sept. 9, 2015