Driving while intoxicated can have serious consequences. When a South Carolina driver is suspected of drunk driving while there are children in the vehicle, the potential penalties can be even more severe. A woman from Greenwood will likely be seeking the support of a criminal defense attorney after her recent arrest on DUI charges.
An accident report indicates that the woman crashed her car into a curb on a Greenwood street on a recent Sunday. A police officer who saw the wreck reportedly stopped to check on the woman. He says she appeared to be unsteady and smelled of alcohol. The police also reported that there were two young children in the car.
The 27-year-old driver was subjected to several field sobriety tests. In addition, police reports indicate that the result of a breath test indicated that the woman’s blood alcohol level was .19 percent. This was more than double the .08 limit for drivers in South Carolina. She is now facing charges of driving under the influence along with endangering the lives of children.
An experienced DUI defense attorney will fight to protect the legal rights of the accused woman throughout any legal proceedings that may follow. A lawyer will scrutinize the methods and procedures used by law enforcement during the arrest process and also the tests that were administered to determine the driver’s level of intoxication. Any variations from accepted protocol can be addressed before the court. The driver is presumed innocent until and unless her guilt is proved by the prosecution.
Source: indexjournal.com, “Woman faces child endangerment, DUI charges“, Aug. 1, 2016