3 things that can impact a drug possession case

On Behalf of | Jul 8, 2024 | Drug Charges |

A defendant charged with drug possession could be sentenced to incarceration and be required to pay fees. A drug possession charge can also lead to a criminal history, which can affect the defendant’s ability to find housing, education and employment opportunities. The defendant may also lose their voting rights and child custody. With that being said, it is clear that a drug possession charge is life-changing. 

Many people do not face the same punishments for possession of illicit drugs. There are a few factors that can affect a drug possession case. Here is what you should know:

1. How high of a schedule was the substance?

Drug schedules determine how potent a substance is and who can possess the drug. A high drug schedule means that it is extremely addictive and should not be used in the medical field, which also means it can carry higher penalties if illegally obtained. 

2. Did the defendant possess a large quantity of drugs?

If a defendant was in possession of a small amount of drugs, then they may not face extreme penalties. Higher quantities of illicit drugs may indicate trafficking, which carries heavy sentences. However, a small quantity of a high-schedule drug can still lead to extreme penalties. 

3. Does the defendant have a criminal record?

The final issue for a drug possession case can hinge on whether the defendant has a criminal record. A criminal record could cause the defendant to face harsher punishments than someone who is a first-time offender.

Legal guidance is available to people facing drug possession charges. A strong legal defense can help protect a defendant from facing extreme penalties. 


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