For all the debt-related risks they carry, credit cards remain one of the most convenient ways to purchase things. They allow buyers to purchase even the most expensive goods almost instantly, and some cards even have rewards and perks for constant use. You might’ve...
White Collar Crimes
The common medical billing mistake that can lead to fraud charges
Medical billing is a complicated and often stressful profession. Individuals who work in a medical billing center may have to decipher illegible handwriting or impossibly complicated shorthand entered into a digital system. Their role is a crucial one, as it helps...
Potential defenses to money laundering?
Being charged with money laundering can be challenging because prosecutors use it to seek high penalties. The U.S. Department of Treasury defines money laundering as financial transactions that criminals use to disguise the proceeds, sources and nature of their...
4 types of employee theft
Committing employee theft is a business fraud that can result in heavy penalties. Being accused of this white-collar crime can significantly affect your career. Thus, it will be best to be informed to avoid actions that may lead to such a charge. The following are...
How to avoid becoming a money mule
People often think of “money mules” as people who agree to launder illegally obtained money to keep it from being found and seized by authorities. The truth is that people often unknowingly become money mules. Unfortunately, ignorance of what you’re doing doesn’t...
What does mail fraud entail?
The term "mail fraud" sounds like a minor offense. Most people don’t even know what it means, but they can still face federal charges if they're accused of participating in it. Mail fraud can involve a range of prohibited activities. If you are under investigation or...
3 times business owners or executives may face tax fraud charges
The tax code is complex, and even simple mistakes can have major legal and financial implications. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tends to scrutinize returns carefully, especially when there are complex factors, like numerous write-offs or deductions. When an...
Medical workers can face charges over claims of billing fraud
Medical billing fraud can easily seem like a conspiracy to investigators and criminal courts. It is all too easy for those who investigate and prosecute cases to assume misconduct or malicious intent when the trust is that someone didn't understand the consequences of...
How could cryptocurrency lead to white collar crime charges?
When financial technology changes, lawmakers can be slow to catch on and legislate. It leaves ample opportunity for anyone looking to exploit the system. People have been committing fraud ever since money was invented, if not before. Hence it is no surprise that some...
Lying about your company’s finances can lead to fraud charges
You have a great idea for a new company or already run a company that has recently started to struggle financially. Outside investments can be a way to keep your company afloat as you restructure or to get the business off the ground. However, as someone seeking...