You probably never thought that your child would face drug charges, but you’ve found yourself dealing with that exact scenario. In this case, you want to do whatever you can to help them, but you’re not fully aware of how the charges could impact them.
Any time a minor faces charges for a crime, it’s essential to get to know the potential penalties and to understand the collateral damage a charge or conviction can cause.
How does a drug charge impact your high schooler’s education?
The first thing to learn more about is the way that a charge will impact your child’s schooling. It’s possible that the school will suspend or expel a student over drug charges or a conviction, so that is something to address right away. You should talk to your attorney and the school about suspensions, alternative schooling options and how to make sure your child gets the education they need while this situation is handled.
Job seeking and drug charges
Another thing to discuss is how your child’s ability to get a job may change. Their reputation may be damaged by an arrest or drug charge. If they’re already working, there is a potential that they could be fired for getting charges against them. This is something you can learn more about by reading through their employment manual.
College and drug charges
Another thing to keep in mind is that your child’s access to federal funding, scholarships and other financial supports may be limited if they are convicted of a drug charge. This is something you can discuss with your child’s attorney and take action to avoid.
Your child deserves support after being charged for drug crimes
It is hard to deal with drug charges, because they can have such wide-ranging consequences. For a child who is facing these penalties, it’s important to have strong legal representation. Teenagers and young adults make mistakes, but without the right support, it’s possible that this mistake could haunt your child for many years into the future and hurt their ability to pursue a career in the field they want or find stability as an adult.