What are the requirements for drug court in South Carolina?

On Behalf of | Apr 17, 2024 | Drug Charges |

Individuals who violate controlled substances laws in South Carolina often have an underlying substance abuse disorder. People can very quickly become dependent on prescription medication or prohibited substances. They may then find themselves at risk of criminal prosecution. Getting caught in possession or under the influence of controlled substances can lead to criminal charges. Driving while under the influence or seeking to acquire drugs on the unregulated market could also lead to criminal accusations.

Some defendants in South Carolina may be eligible for drug court proceedings. The process potentially takes 18 months and requires regular efforts on the part of the defendant. The following are the main requirements of the South Carolina drug court process.

Randomized drug screenings

At every stage in the drug court process, participants are subject to random drug testing. They generally need to be available to undergo testing as necessary and could face consequences if they either refuse to turn up for testing or fail a test.

Treatment groups

Group treatment sessions allow people to explore their substance abuse disorders and learn more about resources to control their personal habits. There are different group treatment requirements for each stage of the drug court process. People begin by attending three sessions a week and then taper down to one three-hour session each week.

Self-help meetings

Typically, participants in the drug courts need to regularly participate in Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings. The requirements for self-help meetings are the opposite of the requirements for group treatment in the South Carolina drug courts. People begin by attending two meetings per week and then move up to three and eventually four weekly meetings.

Drug court attendance

The final primary requirement for South Carolina drug court is attendance of drug court proceedings. These evening court sessions are weekly in the earliest stage of drug court and then drop down to biweekly and then once a month as people move through the program.

Ideally, those who successfully complete all of those requirements can address their substance abuse disorders while also avoiding criminal penalties. Learning more about the options available for those facing drug charges may help people limit the impact that a mistake has on their future opportunities. Those who attend drug court may learn to control their substance abuse issues while also avoiding major criminal penalties.


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