In late September of 1996, an altercation occurred at a New York subway station. When officers arrived at the scene, an individual began shooting at them. One week later, a man named Norberto Peets was arrested in connection to an unrelated robbery. An officer...
Month: May 2023
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Do you need guidance if offered a plea deal in your drug case?
Plea bargains have become a controversial topic in recent decades. Some believe that the risks of a plea deal often outweigh the immediate (and highly attractive) rewards, such as reduced or no jail time. It is true that many plea bargains do not preserve the...
What is and isn’t legal on the dark web
You’ve probably heard of the “dark web” and know that many of the sites help people engage in illegal activity. That is one part of it. Not everything on the dark web is nefarious. It’s also a way for people in countries where traditional social media sites are...